Quit Microsoft

Quit Microsoft
Do you want to empower this?

It's easier than you think, and the productivity gains alone are worth it.

Linux Mint is now easier to use than Windows, it's also faster, more secure, and more stable.  OnlyOffice is better than Microsoft Office, and it's free.  You can install it on your computer, and use it without internet, or you can install it on a server, and run your own cloud collaboration better than Microsoft 365.

And you can use this forever without ever paying anyone anything, or being forced to change.

Microsoft uses security theater to cost you money, and harm our environment by sending computers to an early grave.  They are in the business of turning money into new software that has to run on new hardware, and center every business decision around accelerating this.

But normal people want stability.  The only way to achieve stability is to quit the chaos agents at Microsoft.